As we all know, June is recognized each year as a month dedicated to spreading awareness on gun violence. Pretty much the objective of this blog, but much more widespread. Wearing orange is one sign of support for the cause. Others include marches and protests, as well as activist clubs at your school! The most important part of the month is making sure the word is spread to everyone, because in order to produce change we have to get everyone involved! So join me in explaining why I got involved with this cause and why you should get involved too!
I first became aware of the concept of gun violence when I was 7. And many of you are probably thinking that this is such a young age to learn about such a disgraceful topic. And it is. But when I was 7, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting took place in Newton, Connecticut. I was not personally involved in this act of violence, in fact I was quite geographically far away, but from that moment on the thought remained trapped in my mind. Was the same thing going to happen to me? These kids were exactly my age. In fact they would have graduated high school the same year as me. I ran to my parents as I ripped my eyes away from the news and I asked them, "Am I going to die just like those kids did?" Of course they replied with a firm no, but I went to bed that night in a sweat, which was rare for me. I don't have anxiety, but that night I had a full-on panic attack. From then on, every time I walked into school I could hear the threat in the back of my mind which caused me to be constantly paranoid and afraid. This isn't normal, I thought.
As I grew older and school shootings became more prevalent, my fear and outrage strengthened when I was in high school and my younger brother and sister who were in middle school, started coming home asking my parents if they were going to die. I thought, there is absolutely no world in which a student should ever have to worry about being shot down at school. Immediately I knew I needed to do something. I used my love for journalism and writing to take action. I launched this website after months of brainstorming, planning, and website designing!
My story is precisely why I created the Gun Safety Gazette! Because no child or student should ever have to worry about getting shot down at school or anywhere for that matter. My surface-level goal for the gazette is to educate readers on gun violence and its prevalence in the Camden-County area. Gun violence is common in Camden, but I will also be reporting on important events near Camden County as well, because there are many recurring circumstances. My primary focus is to generate support for gun-safe legislation. I believe the first step in creating a safe environment for everyone is to eliminate the ability to hold guns such as AK 47s that should be designated for military use only. These types of rifles are commonly used in school shootings and other mass shootings, ensuring mass casualties, and our government still allows citizens to carry these types of guns.
In order to petition for these laws we need to raise awareness and advocate in our community. Camden County is no stranger to violence. If we continue to educate and fight for what we believe in we can create a change in our area. The idea is that this change will spark a chain reaction of reforms on the state or county level around the country, then make it's way to becoming a law.
Follow along with the Gun Safety Gazette to support our mission of banning assault rifles so that no child will ever feel unsafe at school. Also feel free to fill out an email form telling me your story and why you choose to advocate for gun safety. And share this post with your friends! Every amount of support is welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and investing in the cause of gun-safety. See you next week for more updates!