The right to bear arms is a classic American right written into the Bill of Rights of our Constitution over two decades ago. It is especially relevant now as we face an epidemic of gun violence.
In fact the details of the Second Amendment are a crucial blockage in our fight for common sense gun legislation. Why? Because supporters of the anti-gun violence movement claim that we have no right to ban firearms because of their constitutional right to protect themselves using a gun. But I am curious what they are protecting themselves from. The people that knock at their doors and tell them that our kids are dying and their resistance is exactly the cause of it?
There are of course cases of necessity for people to hold a gun, like if someone lives in a rural county and their only access to food is through hunting. But even that circumstance does not grant the usage of a military rifle.
Every single shooting we have seen in 2023 has taken place using a military rifle. The kind of weapon that is used to kill masses of people. Of course if we let people carry these we will have mass shootings. Which is why they've got to go.
Our constitution was created in 1776, when we were in the middle of fighting a revolution against Britain. Of course in a situation like that we want to provide our citizens with adequate protection. But, look around. It is 2023. Are we fighting a revolution against an all-powerful country? If we are I definitely didn't know about it.
We have to realize that our governing body needs a modern update. I don't propose to re-write the entire Constitution. That is a process we don't have the time or brainpower for. All we need is to re-consider the ability for citizens to carry firearms with the potential to seriously injury each other.
Only then can we stop losing our brothers and sisters to gun violence.