Your Questions Answered
We’ve taken some of the questions we get asked most frequently and compiled them in one place. If there’s something you still need to know or an answer isn’t detailed enough, please get in touch and we will get back to you shortly.

Are you accepting submissions?
Yes! The Gun Safety Gazette welcomes artist submissions and we have created a platform just for you if you would like to share your creation with the community. You can access our file share to display your artwork by clicking on the "File Share" tab.

Do you publish email newsletters?
The Gun Safety Gazette is accessible to all viewers through our website www.gunsafetygazette.blog. You can read our latest posts under the "Blog" tab.

Do I need a subscription to access Gun Safety Gazette?
No, you do not need a subscription to access the Gun Safety Gazette's information, although it is highly recommended. If you want to stay informed about what's going on with our community, we would welcome your subscription!