Behind Gun Safety Gazette
The News at Your Fingertips
We started our blog with one goal in mind: delivering real time, unbiased news to readers all over the world. With an ongoing mission to uncover facts and find trusted resources, Gun Safety Gazette is committed to providing you with the latest updates and thought-provoking analyses.
In the age of information abundance, we believe that our reliable news coverage should be available anytime, everywhere. This is why we cover a diverse range of topics for you to stay informed on everything that is going on. Sign up for daily updates today.
The Gun Safety Gazette Team
Best in the Field
Curious to meet the dream team behind our blog? At Gun Safety Gazette, we consider ourselves a family of experienced, enthusiastic and passionate writers, analysts and creatives. Check out our profiles below to learn more about who we are and what we do.
Emily Asselin
Executive Editor
Emily created the Gun Safety Gazette in pursuit of a lifelong passion for journalistic writing and current events. She loves being able to share with readers data and analysis that sheds light on the latest, relevant topics and pressing issues.